Computer Wheel Alignment Camera Power Line Connect Instruction


Dear All

Thank you very much for your Select Battle-Axe Computer Wheel Alignment , Maybe you Will Strange for The Alignment Machine Installation, Kindly following us following:

1st Step: You will get two Package when the car wheel alginment arrived

2nd Step: Kindly Open the package which is Cabinet box inside, and Assemble the "Heavy Iron" First, Kindly Download the instruction in buttom of this Article (3D-ZD-6 forget about step 2 for without heavy Iron )

3rd Step: Camera Power line and Signal Line Connect

-and this Trainng video is for Connec The Computer Wheel Alignment Camera Power line, Signal line to computer correctly Model: 3D-ZD-9S, 3D-ZD-8S and for 3D-708X Alignment machine, 3D-718S and 3D-ZD-6 you can reference this video also , just Ignore the Part of "Control box line connect"

4th Step:Other More About 3D alignment machine Installation, you can visit :

Back to me if any questions during Installation through or Whatsapp+86 13016308510

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